The West of England Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan is a significant and exciting first step towards transforming active travel in the region.
The Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan is a detailed plan that identifies that over £400m of investment is needed and will be sought and channelled through the West of England Combined Authority.
Working with Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire councils, we’re aiming to provide high quality infrastructure to ensure the West of England is a region where cycling and walking are the preferred choice for shorter trips.
A consultation on the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan ran from the 3rd of February 2020 until the 15th of March 2020.
Thank you to everyone who submitted their views during the consultation. Your responses to the questionnaire will be considered in the development of future plans for active travel in the region.
The West of England Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) is a significant and exciting first step towards transforming active travel in the region.
We published the draft Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan as part of a public consultation between 3 February and 15 March 2020 - receiving nearly 2,000 responses from across the region. This document looks at the feedback we received, sets out what people in the region think, and how this was addressed.
The documents below contain non-navigational maps which may not be accessible. This does not meet a number of WCAG 2.1 success criteria, including 1.3, 1.4, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1 and 3.2.
These types of maps are exempt from the regulations, so we do not currently have any plans to make them accessible. Accessible text descriptions for each of the sections available below can be found within the main plan document available further above in this page.