The West of England Combined Authority and the region’s local authorities are committed to bringing forward clean, inclusive growth and creating healthy, happy places that contribute to addressing the climate and ecological emergencies.
The Placemaking Charter provides a framework for developers, communities and public sector partners to create better places that are: future-ready; connected; biodiverse; characterful; healthy and inclusive.
The Placemaking Charter has been developed by the West of England Combined Authority, Bath & North East Somerset, Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire Councils, in partnership with Design West – a centre of excellence for design and placemaking in the south west.
The Charter was developed through a series of engagement workshops with stakeholders and communities from across the West of England, reflects evidence and best practice and responds to some of the key regional placemaking challenges.
These workshops were led by Design West, here is a report documenting the outcomes of this activity and how it informed the Charter.
We welcome organisations, community groups and other stakeholders with an interest in development, regeneration and the built and natural environment to sign up to the Placemaking Charter and demonstrate commitment to embedding the Charter principles in their work across the region.
By signing up to the Charter you will be supporting the region achieve its aspirations of high-quality places that contribute to clean and inclusive growth that supports the environment and benefits communities.
After signing up, the name of your organisation will be added to the list of signatories on the website.
To implement and make best use of the Placemaking Charter, the West of England Combined Authority and the region’s local authorities have committed to an action plan to embed these principles through the work we do as a region.
The action plan is based on engagement with a broad range of built environment stakeholders and sets out how the Charter principles can be implemented in practice.
We're working to increase the availability of homes that people can afford in communities they are proud to call home.
Our rich and diverse environment is integral to our region’s health and economic prosperity.
As the regional transport authority, we are improving transport including buses, trains, walking and cycling.