Apprenticeships and work placements can help you bring new ideas, talent and resource into your business. We can help you plan for a new role and recruit the right person.
You can access support to recruit an apprentices or work placement through our Workforce for the Future programme. Our partners will support you to:
Access to resource is offered by the West of England Combined Authority's Careers Hub, WTPN and our further education college partners.
One of the biggest benefits of running an apprenticeship scheme is that it helps create a dedicated, loyal workforce. Most apprentices are young school or college leavers, meaning that they have lots of energy with which to learn the ways of your business as you help them climb the career ladder within your organisation. 86% employers said apprenticeships helped them develop skills relevant to their organisation.
Many companies, particularly those within technology, find it tough to recruit people with the particular skills they need to help move their business forward. Taking on an apprentice solves this problem as you can hire someone with the enthusiasm and talent you are looking for and train them up for a specific role, so helping bridge the skills gap.
Apprentices may have limited workplace experience, but they can offer a fresh perspective and new ideas, which are just as valuable to your growing business. Younger generations have strong technology skills that come from using computers and tools such as social media from an early age, and they can use this knowledge to build competitive advantage.
The cost of funding an apprentice may put some employers off, but apprentices often pay for themselves within a few years and can improve a company’s bottom line by improving effectivity and boosting productivity. 78% of employers said apprenticeships helped them improve productivity and 74% of employers said apprenticeships helped them improve the quality of their product or service.
The initial outlay of hiring an apprentice is often smaller than many companies think, thanks to government funding and the fact that they are paid a reduced wage. A UK Commission on Employment study found that 88% of employers felt apprenticeships were a cost-effective way to train staff.
The #ShareToSupport fund is calling on large employers to pledge their unspent apprenticeship levy to support the recovery of small businesses across the West of England.
If you are working within a large business – those with a payroll over £3m who contribute to the Apprenticeship Levy – then we want to help you realise the potential of your levy.
We know that whilst millions raised by the Apprenticeship Levy is currently going unspent in the West of England, small businesses have been hit disproportionately by COVID-19. By passing on a proportion of your levy, your business can support job creation and progression opportunities in the region by funding training in smaller companies, including those in your supply chain and sector.
Pledge your unspent apprenticeship levy with our partner WTPN
“The [Workforce for the Future apprenticeship] levy funding was such a great way forward in allowing our team to develop their skills further within the Health & Social Care sector. It has been a hard time in our sector maintaining a safe environment for all our vulnerable residents within the COVID-19 pandemic, our staff team felt a sense of relief they could continue growing their knowledge to be able to support our residents and their families.”
Workforce for the Future has received £4m of funding from the European Social Fund as part of the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme in England. The Department for Work and Pensions (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for the England European Social Fund programme. Established by the European Union, the European Social Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support skills development, employment and job creation, social inclusion and local community regenerations. For more information visit this webpage.