Free one-to-one business advice to help you become self-employed, start a business or learn new skills.
If you’re a non-EU migrant or refugee with the right to live and work in the UK, but you don’t have a UK, EU or Swiss passport, our Migrant Business Support programme can give you free one-to-one business advice to help you become self-employed, start a business or learn new skills.
Join the free programme and you’ll get:
You can join the free programme if you have the right to live and work in the UK, but you don’t have a UK, EU or Swiss passport.
It’s easy to join. Simply fill in this form or call us on 0117 456 6955 between 9:30am to 4.30pm, Monday - Friday and ask about the Migrant Business Support programme.
"Deliver inclusive & digital third country national (TCN) business support. A new journey begins" by Julia Dixon-Barrow and Shuai Qin.
We've outlined key information on this downloadable leaflet.
This programme supports the launch, stabilisation and growth of non-EU migrants’ businesses through personalised business support. The Migrant Business Support project support businesses through a network of volunteer mentors in the business sector, a digital platform for learning & training resources and one-to-one coaching. Led by ACH and with partners from Bristol’s School for Policy Studies and the West of England Combined Authority. This project has been part funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
ACH is an award-winning social enterprise providing a range of innovative and impactful support and integration services for refugees, black and minority ethnic groups and migrant individuals.
Migrant Business Support is supported by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Funding (AMIF) Programme 2014-2020. Making management of migration flows more efficient across the European Union, this project has been part funded by the European Union Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. The above text reflects ACH and WECA’s views only and not those of the European Commission or the UKRA. In addition, neither the European Commission nor the UKRA is liable for any use that may be made of the information contained above.