Further communications will follow shortly about the next steps with regards to submitting an application to deliver Wave 6 Skills Bootcamps. In the mean time if you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email multiplyandskillsbootcamps@westofengland-ca.gov.uk.
If you are an employer looking for an affordable route to develop the skills of your workforce or recruit qualified new employees, Skills Bootcamps could be a great option.
Skills Bootcamps are developed in partnership with employers and training providers to help fill local skills gaps and vacancies. They offer employers access to specialist training for the skills you are looking for, helping to build a loyal and talented workforce to futureproof your business.
The programme is funded through the Department of Education's National Skills Fund and forms part of the Government’s Lifetime Skills Guarantee, helping adults 19+ gain Skills for Life.
The fund will support employers to deliver bespoke training initiatives that meet short to mid-term skills shortages and are expected to deliver progressions into work, a new role, new responsibilities or new contracts.