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Group in hard hats looking at plans

Are you looking to improve your construction skills or grow your business by bolstering those skills? Would new construction skills help you to gain a new role within the organisation you currently work for, or begin a new career? Discover our Skills Bootcamps to begin your journey.

Skills Bootcamps Available

Lead organisation name

Bath College

Summary and entry requirements

This course is suitable for those looking for work or looking to change their current career path. This course is Beginner friendly and covers the basics in 2D and 3D design using softwares such as AutoCAD, Revit, Navisworks and our Fullmax cube. Throughout the course we will bring in industry experts to give you an insight to working in the BIM industry as well as coaching sessions and support/advice with self employment route. Skills Bootcamps not only provide learners with a skill but also with wrap-around support which can include SEN, Maths, English, ICT and employability skills if relevant or required. Run in conjunction with local employers, enrolling onto a Skills Bootcamp will also provide learners with a guaranteed job interview for a live role with a local employer.

The entry requirements for our skills bootcamps is that learners must be 19+, have lived in the UK longer than 3 years, and is living or working in the BANES region.

What will you learn?

Throughout the course you will learn and develop your 2D and 3D drawing skills. Main topics include: Practising different software tools and commands, turning your 2D design into a 3D design, adding different layers and more intimet details onto your project. When you are comfortable and famileriased with the software you will be set your own project to design and be reviewed at the end of the course. Throughout the course we will also implement coaching sessions as well as business plans if the learner is looking to go in the self employed route.

How will you learn?

In this course you will be based in the classroom where you will learn theory in the morning and in the afternoon you put what you’ve learned to practise on your own individual projects.


Lead organisation name

Construction Skills People

Summary and entry requirements

This programme is aimed at individuals who are already employed in the construction sector particularly those undertaking groundworks and who wish to gain additional skills and knowledge to operate construction plant.

You will be employed in the construction industry in groundwork or civil engineering role.

What will you learn?

Individuals will learn the following specialist activities: Concrete placing, Drainage and stormwater management, Handheld disc cutter safety, Detection of buried services, NPORS Plant Training on Forward Tipping Dumper or Ride on Roller.

How will you learn?

Assessment and Training will be undertaken in the workplace, with the Plant Training being undertaken at a specialist training centre.


Lead organisation name

Construction Skills People

Summary and entry requirements

This programme is aimed at individuals who are already employed in the construction sector particularly those undertaking work on public highways or constructing highways.

You will be employed undertaking road building or highways maintenance activities.

What will you learn?

Individuals will learn the following specialist activities: Operating and controlling operations of road plant, Handheld disc cutter safety, Confined spaces, Reinstatement of sub-base and base in non bituminous materials/modular surfaces and concrete footways, New Roads and Street Works Act (NRSWA).

How will you learn?

Assessment and Training will be undertaken in the workplace, with the NRSWA being undertaken at a specialist training centre.


Contact us

If you are having issues contacting providers or would like to submit a question or query, contact us at  below with ‘Skills Bootcamps’ in the subject line.