Boost your numeracy skills for a better job, more cash, and smoother daily life. Whether you're eyeing up a new job, higher pay, or just want to help with the kids' homework, join a Multiply course near you in North Somerset.
“The Strength in Numbers” programme has been designed for adults who would like to improve their maths skills for everyday life. The programme provides an alternative learning experience to traditional educational settings, empowering participants to develop a new mindset about maths and numbers. The course will be delivered within a relaxed, non-pressured environment, providing practical learning which will enable participants to gain the skills and confidence to master simple maths, in ways that are meaningful for them, and in a context that meets their needs.
The course is open to anyone who may feel anxious or worried when dealing with numbers, those with learning difficulties, those who would simply like to improve their skills and practical application, or as a precursor to a further qualification. At the end of the programme participants will have achieved the skills necessary to progress to Entry Level 3, Level 1 and/or Level 2 Maths.
To find out more details and course start dates that are being delivered in various locations around the West of England, please email
WEA has designed small-size classes of 8-10 learners to demystify maths and apply it to everyday life. These short, unaccredited modules use quizzes and challenges to boost learners' confidence leading towards qualifications. These modules will enhance employability/promotion prospects and help with life's challenges. Each stage completion results in a Multiply' digital badge' to recognise the learner's success.
WEA has an initial soft diagnostic assessment with a dedicated mentor to ascertain the most appropriate course for learners' needs. The initial 1:1 soft diagnostic assessment with the mentor will explore barriers, including negative educational experiences, low English levels, financial challenges, family situation, neurodiversity, low confidence/motivation, offending, insecure housing and childcare commitments.
To find out more detail and course start dates please visit their website or contact 0300 303 3464.
Weston College are delivering a variety of classes across Bristol and North Somerset; all classes will be delivered in small groups of ten taking a form of a mix of practice and learning activities, worksheets and assessment with practical applications in simulation and real-world situations.
Managing the cost of livings: this course will support individual learners’ to develop their ability to better manage their household finances and lessen the impact of rises in the cost of living on their families. The training is aimed at anyone who manages a family or personal budget, with a particular focus on those who are on benefits or low incomes.
Maths for ESOL Learners: this course will support participants to develop a mathematical literacy for those who are currently learning English as a second or other language. The course will cover cultural differences and similarities in our use of maths skills and numbers, applied mathematics in a variety of cultural settings and developing confidence in using maths in everyday conversations and situations.
To find out more details and course start dates, please contact or by call the recruitment team on 01934 411417 .
Good numeracy skills can be really beneficial for work and everyday life, unlocking better jobs, higher wages and prepare you for further study. They can also improve budgeting and support your children with homework. Multiply offers funded numeracy courses for adults, so you can benefit from confidence with numbers.
Discover other Multiply training courses near you, or find out more if you are an employer or skills provider.