West of England Mayor, Dan Norris, is celebrating the news that an incredible 620,000 square metres of land is being transformed for the region’s bee buddies ahead of World Planting Day (tomorrow Thursday 21 March).
This is double the target he set when launching his £1 million Pollinator Fund for projects that support bees, damselflies and other pollinator superheroes. Schools, volunteer and community groups, sports clubs, faith groups and other bee-loving groups applied for £10,000 to £100,000 grants to expand and protect bee habitats - for example by updating neglected local green spaces by planting nectar-rich flowers, and bug hotels.
That Fund has provided cash support to 68 projects working across more than 200 sites including transforming Corsten Community Orchard into a “pollinator’s paradise”, helping 10 schools in the region create nature reserves through Bristol’s bee-rilliant Nature Connection and giving the Smallcombe Nuttery a pollinator makeover. In total over 620,000 square metres of land across the region will be transformed by the end of year - nearly double the Mayor’s 312,000 square metre target thanks to the mayoral scheme serving the West’s vital pollinator friends. West of England Mayor, Dan Norris, said:
“This is nothing less than a huge victory for the region’s pollinator pals.
“My £1+ million Pollinator Fund is creating 620,000 square metres of bee-friendly habitat – double the already really ambitious target I set more than 12 months ago.
“Alongside my annual Bee Bold Awards, it shows that I am delivering on my commitment to make the West of England the bee and pollinator capital of the UK.”
Mayor Dan Norris is calling on all regional firms and organisations to sign up to the West of England Bee Bold Awards 2024. Once again organisations can apply to be "Space for Nature" and "People for Nature" champions by visiting http://www.westofengland-ca.gov.uk/bee-bold.
World Planting Day is dedicated to spreading awareness of the importance of plants.