Find inspiration and ideas to progress your green journey.
From switching the lights off to installing solar panels, there’s always something you can do to become more sustainable. It starts with getting the right support to help find the relevant opportunities available to you.
Access free, impartial support for small and medium sized enterprises (fewer than 250 employees) to find ways to reduce your energy costs and greenhouse gas emissions.
Get one-to-one support to enable refugee and migrant-led businesses in Bristol to think sustainably.
Take part in a national pilot scheme to help your business produce a roadmap for cutting energy use in manufacturing.
The energy hierarchy is a useful tool that helps you to prioritise energy projects. In general, actions that are most cost-effective and result in you using less energy come first, whereas actions such as offsetting are seen as a last-resort.
Different terms are used by different organisations to describe each step of the energy hierarchy. The terms below are based on the London Plan (pdf). Similar steps can be applied to many other areas of sustainability such as water, waste, travel and goods and services.
Want to know more about the energy hierarchy, and how it can act as a guide for long term change?
Since opening in 2012, Bravas has always tried to source its products sustainability and choose a responsible energy supplier, but they have continued to explore other ways to reduce their carbon emissions too. While a Green Business Grant helped them to install double glazing, an air curtain and induction hobs, their Carbon Survey also highlighted other lower-cost actions such as radiant heating and relocating their heating thermostat.
Hire a sustainability consultant to look at different aspects of your building and operations.
Connect with support for businesses looking to better understand their workforce’s travel behaviour and establish a travel plan.
Tailored information and tips on how we can all play our part to support bees and other pollinators across the region.