The Committee takes key decisions on matters affecting our region, including funding projects through the regional Investment Fund.
The West of England Combined Authority Committee is chaired by the Metro Mayor, and is made up of the Leaders from our three constituent councils: Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council and South Gloucestershire Council.
The Chair of the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) also attends committee meetings in a non-voting capacity.
The West of England Combined Authority Joint Committee is chaired by the Metro Mayor, and is made up of the Leaders from the West of England councils: Bath & North East Somerset Council, Bristol City Council, South Gloucestershire Council and North Somerset Council. The Chair of the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) also attends committee meetings in a non-voting capacity. The Joint Committee takes key decisions on matters affecting the Combined Authority, the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership and North Somerset Council.
The West of England Combined Authority Overview & Scrutiny Committee is made up of 11 councillors drawn from across our three constituent councils. Its role is to review and scrutinise the work of the Combined Authority; it can also make reports or recommendations to the decision-taking committees. Three councillors from North Somerset Council are observers at these meetings and able to comment on matters that affect North Somerset.
The West of England Combined Authority Audit Committee comprises 14 members; 11 members from the three constituent authorities of the West of England Combined Authority, and three independent members. The role of the Audit Committee is to provide independent assurance to the West of England Combined Authority on its governance, internal control and risk management arrangements, and to oversee the statutory financial reporting process
The Local Enterprise Partnership (or LEP) is a partnership between businesses, universities, the region’s councils and Combined Authority. Its role is to secure our region’s success by promoting an environment in which businesses thrive and communities grow in a sustainable way.
The LEP worked with the Combined Authority, government, and the business community to develop our region’s Local Industrial Strategy, which sets out our priorities to drive long-term growth in our economy.