The following details the Combined Authority spending on services in the region as well as information on how this is funded.
The West of England Combined Authority revenue account has three primary elements:
The West of England Combined Authority approved the budget for 2024/25 on 26 January 2024. The funding for the Combined Authority comes from five main sources:
The Mayoral Combined Authority revenue funding has increased over time with the approval of various projects, and associated funding, as part of the £450m four-year investment programme (up to March 2026).
The West of England Combined Authority approved the Mayoral budget for 2024/25 on 26 January 2024. A Contribution from the Combined Authority of £687k is proposed for the Mayoral budget in 2024/25 to meet the operating costs of the mayoral office and election cost provision. As per previous years, this will be allocated from the Combined Authority Investment Fund.
The West of England Combined Authority approved the 2024-25 Local Enterprise Partnership Budget on 26 January 2024. The Combined Authority acts as the Accountable Body for the range of funding streams on behalf of the West of England Councils and Local Enterprise Partnership.
The West of England Combined Authority act as Accountable Body for the Local Enterprise Partnership, (LEP), activities, which includes significant capital investment in the region.
The capital funding streams administered by the Accountable Body include:
The West of England Mayoral Combined Authority is the Accountable Body for the £500m Economic Development Fund, although the associated finances are administered by South Gloucestershire Council. The four constituent authorities will deliver approved projects and can claim the costs of borrowing from the fund once practical completion of the project is achieved. The Mayoral Combined Authority does not include this capital spend within its capital programme.